19-year-old Siamese twins fused at the skulls that can’t be separated. No one believed that they could reach this age

by Impress story

Siamese twins are difficult children, even competent and very experienced doctors often make mistakes about their future life. It is very difficult to accurately predict whether such twins will benefit from separation, or whether they will have to live together, is very difficult. Sometimes doctors are wrong in such matters. So, for example, it happened with the twins from the Colestain family.

The girls Neve and Nelly were born with their heads fused. Moreover, each of them has its own body and brain. This is a very rare pathology among Siamese twins, which occurs in about 3-4% of such children worldwide. Doctors, together with their parents, had to decide the fate of the twins, who exceeded all possible expectations after 19 years.

When the girls were just born, the parents were sure that separation was necessary. They had no idea how their daughters would live in the future. The sisters cannot do without each other, and the position of their splicing is extremely uncomfortable. Neither Nelly nor Neve can even see their own reflections in the mirror. The difficulties that the sisters face in everyday life are very difficult to describe. They seem to be one whole, but at the same time the girls are two different personalities, each of which has its own interests.

When the parents began to insist on the separation of the twins, the doctors refused. The specialists objectively assessed the situation and came to the conclusion that the sisters would not survive after such an operation. They didn’t just grow together with their heads in the womb, the girls have a common artery that is extremely important for life support. If it is damaged during the separation, then it will not be possible to save them. Physicians did not take on such responsibility. Doctors honestly told their parents that their daughters would live to be 10 years old at best, which is the absolute norm for twins in such a situation. But both mom and dad, and the girls themselves believed in the best. And their hopes were justified.

Contrary to the predictions of doctors, the sisters are still alive. Now they are already adult girls, Neve and Nelly are 19 years old. This case has become one of the most unique in medical practice. The doctors were genuinely surprised when they learned that the sisters managed not only to live to a conscious age, but also to fully develop. To demonstrate to people around them that they are separate and complete individuals, girls maintain an account on social networks. There they talk about their interests, hobbies and share their unusual life experience, which has already become a worthy motivation for many people around the world.

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