A dog befriends a stray kitten – and now protects it

by Impress story

Bored Panda user Zorana told the story of the friendship between her samoyed cat named Tina and a stray cat she picked up on the street.

One evening the girl found a little lump she named Teddy in the grass. He seemed ill and weak. She immediately took him to her and took him to the vet. The doctor said he had a long recovery ahead of him. Zorana was prepared for this because this was the second stray cat in her home.

Source: @petexperiment

Tina, a very gentle and kind dog, was also ready for this, and she took to the kitten with all her warmth. According to the girl, Tina is protective of Teddy, and the cat, in turn, loved cuddling up next to the dog and purring. Such a friendship!

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user-815393 24.07.2024 - 14:03



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