A real dog-cat friendship. Puppy wrapped his arm around cat and set next to him

by Impress story

We have talked about animal friendships a lot Initially, and we know that  it is one of the strongest relationships to ever exist. This story tells about Bo and Jasper, an adorable puppy and a dog , who show how cute they are together. When they first met he didn’t even know how to act around him or what to do.

 Lisa Olsen-Plummer, their owner, was not worried about it, since he knew that even if they didn’t become friends( which was less possible) they would at least learn to be tolerant ro one another over some time.

 And of course time did it’s thing. Bo and Jasper began to be closer to each other. They became so close that living without each other wasn’t even possible. without each other! They are just inseparable.

Olsen-Plummer was always very attentive to catch interesting and beautiful moments of them. And their owner managed to film one of the cutest moments of them.

 Jasper was just sitting on the top of the couch, and watched out of the window. And  Bo of course couldn’t live him alone and  jumped up to see what he was up to. And here Bo did the cutest thing, he wrapped his arm around his friend, and stared with him from the window. He literally hugged him and showed all of his love.

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