A team of workers found an underground wall and broke it down, but what they saw under the ground amazed everyone.

by Impress story

Polish workers were given the task of performing work on the town square during the winter. It was necessary to level the surface before laying the sidewalk.

The task was not very difficult, but the crew encountered some difficulties.

Two to three hours later, the shovel of one of the workers made a noise – it hit something hard. The team had no idea that any underground work could be done there, and they were sure that no utility lines had been laid there, so they had to proceed carefully.

The operator removed the top layer of soil, and underneath they found masonry made of bricks. The wall was fragile enough that the team was able to see what lay beneath it.

A crypt was found underneath.

Inside were two sarcophagi, decorated with unusual for funerary paraphernalia details – large metal flowers and intricately shaped handles.

Since the coffins were covered with zinc cloths, masters have concluded that they belonged to the time when there was rampant cholera.

Later the find was studied by specialists, who were unable to determine the identity of the deceased. But scientists said that the crypt belongs to Nikolskoye cemetery, which was destroyed during World War II.

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