After moving into the new house, the kids started walking on the walls and talking in other people’s voices

by Impress story

Latoya Ammons, a mother of three from Indiana, told police that her children could walk on walls, levitate and talk to ghosts. After speaking to the family, the woman’s story was corroborated by a police officer and social worker.

Charles Austin, an experienced police officer with more than 35 years of experience, is convinced that the spooky story about demons is pure truth. When two psychics visited the terrified mother, they said that the house in which she lives with her children, overflowing with demons. In doing so, they counted more than two hundred otherworldly creatures in the building.

Psychologists who communicated with the family wrote in official reports that there was some kind of paranormal activity in the house. They claimed to have witnessed a nine-year-old child begin speaking in alien voices and walking on the walls and ceiling. After visiting the house and talking to Latoya, Captain Austin admitted that he believed the woman’s story.

Official documents filed with the Department of Child Protective Services detail the strange events that occurred in the home, witnessed by paramedics and other government officials who interacted with the family. However, some witnesses to the eerie events, such as Chaplain Mike Magino, were skeptical of accounts of the children being possessed by demons. The man said that after performing exorcisms on the children and their mothers, they only reacted when he talked about demons.

Reverend Mike said: “Whenever I praised God in Latin, there was no reaction, but when I began to condemn the demon, the child began to react.”

To protect the children’s privacy, their names were decided not to be made public, but it is reported that the family lived in Gary, Indiana.

Trouble began for the family shortly after they moved into their new home. According to Latoya, just a few days later she saw her daughter hovering over the bed. Later, the woman witnessed her seven-year-old son hiding in a closet talking to another boy that only he could see. It is also reported that the boy was thrown out of the bathroom by an angry spirit, after which he had to have his injured head stitched up.

The family eventually left the strange house, moving to Indianapolis. According to the woman, after the move, the problems subsided. However, the new tenants, who now live in the house allegedly inhabited by demons, say they have not noticed any paranormal activity.

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