An eight year-old girl got her dream present. Now she gets better and better

by Impress story

An eight -year-old girl always dreamt about a figure skate. And this beautiful story is about her dream that came true. It’s something so similar to kids, that they can watch a Disney film, and their all dreams will be connected with it for some period of time.

This eight year-old girl always dreamt about a figure skate from a Disney film. And this beautiful story is about her dream that came true.

She went to school and there also she tried to demonstrate the skills she had.

The girl’s mom, whose name is Joanna Galt, said it was a big pleasure for her to see how children had fun together and shared with their skills with each other.

The family lives in a very cold place that is called South Lanarkshire. Here temperature usually droppes to -4C. It was the most favorite time of the year for Madison and she enjoyed every second of it, even when spending her time home.

Once the girl was outside as usual and found a figure skate on the frozen street . She said her parents that the skate was the best Christmas present she had ever received. For her it was the best start of the year and she enjoyed that moments so much.

Parents always encourage her and always tell how proud they are to see their daughter try something she doesn’t know very well. Her mother tells that filming her has become her favorite job to do.

Madison started participating in many competitions and in many stages. After her dream present she started training in school after the classes. She became more and more professional.

It’s never cold enough for the little girl to train outside, which claims another time, that her parents chose the best gift for her. For them seeing their daughter getting so good at something that she once could just dream about, is the best feeling in the world.

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