At 21 she weighed only 27 kg. How chocolate saved her life

by Impress story

Anna Windley is a simple resident of the UK. Million girls like her live in London and other European cities. The only thing that for a long time distinguished Anna from her peers was her weight. At 21, Anna weighed only 27 kilograms, which was very law and dangerous for her health.

The reason for such a sharp weight loss was teenage complexes. When Anna was in school and began to take shape, she weighed too much. Because of her plumpness, Anna was constantly mocked by her classmates. This hurt the girl so much that she decided to lose weight. A typical story, that happens because of bullying.

Gradually, Anna refused to eat. This continued until the girl’s diet was limited to one sandwich every few days. The doctors saw Anna’s condition. The girl was diagnosed with serious anorexia. The doctors warned that if Anna continued to lead a similar lifestyle, she would bring herself to the point of complete exhaustion, and then her heart would simply stop.

Anna knew what the future held for her. But she couldn’t help herself. During the absence of good nutrition, the girl got used to eating one sandwich every few days. She became afraid of food, could not look without disgust at sausages, cakes and other fatty and harmful foods.

Anna would have remained at the same weight and, perhaps, would have brought herself to final exhaustion, if not for chocolate. At some point, Anna realized that she wanted sweets. She didn’t stop herself. The girl thought that nothing would come of one or more sweets.

At first, Anna began to eat chocolate regularly, and then gradually returned to a normal diet. Now the weight of the girl is more than 50 kilograms. She is slim, fit and healthy. Anna eats sensibly, goes in for sports, studies and works. She even managed to meet her love. About that period of life, when Anna’s weight was close to critical, the girl tries not to remember. For her, those terrible days are forever in the distant past.

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