Amazing stories At 66, a woman fulfilled her lifelong dream of becoming a mother for the first time. Discover how her life and that of her premature daughter transformed over the following 14 years. by Impress story 28.01.2025 28.01.2025 15 views Share 0FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram Andriana Iliescu defied all odds to experience the joy of motherhood, achieving her dream when most thought it was too late. In her youth, when her health could have supported motherhood, Andriana was unable to fulfill this longing. Her marriage, which she hoped would lead to a stable family, ended in disappointment. Her husband’s preference for a carefree life left her without a supportive partner, and as the years passed, the possibility of having a child seemed to slip away. Determined not to give up, Andriana turned to infertility treatments later in life. At the age of 66, she made the bold decision to undergo IVF treatment, despite public criticism and discouragement from those around her. For Andriana, who had authored nearly 25 books about children, the opinions of others couldn’t deter her from pursuing her dream. Her journey was not without challenges. When her daughter, Eliza, was born prematurely, weighing very little, doctors feared for the baby’s survival. But Eliza defied the odds and grew stronger. Now retired, Andriana dedicated herself entirely to raising Eliza, focusing on her education and their close bond. Today, Eliza is 14 years old, a diligent and determined young woman with a bright future ahead. At 80, Andriana hopes to see her daughter reach adulthood. In the event she cannot, the doctor who helped Andriana become a mother has promised to care for Eliza, ensuring her continued well-being and bright future. Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram