Billionaire sentenced to life in prison after accidentally saying 3 extra words in movie about himself

by Impress story

Millionaire Robert Durst, 78, was sentenced to life in prison, CNN reported. The elderly man was given a life sentence because of a murder he committed more than two decades ago.

The investigation revealed that Durst killed Susan Berman, who was his girlfriend but could provide police with information about the circumstances under which the millionaire’s wife disappeared. Law enforcement suspected the millionaire at the time of the murder, but they had no direct evidence to hold him.

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Robert accidentally misspoke and confessed to the murder of his girlfriend. It happened during the filming of the HBO series – the company was making a film about the life of a successful businessman. The man went to the bathroom, but forgot that the microphone was on. After Robert left the set, he uttered the following sentence

“Well that’s it, you’re exposed. What happened? I destroyed them.”

This audio recording seemed suspicious to the crew, so it was sent to the police. Durst was convicted in 2001 of killing a neighbor. But then the man’s lawyers managed to prove that the crime was not planned and was committed as self-defense.

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