Extremely Rare Albino Panda Caught On Camera For The Very First Time In Southwestern China

by Impress story

It is known that you can meat white bears only if they are polar. But this fact is not true and you can meat all-white bears in other places too who are called albino bears. They are very rare and meeting them accidently in the wild is almost impossible.

But recently a infrared camera, which was specially placed to capture interesting moments in wildlife could catch one on camera and make an unforgettable moment for animal lovers. It happened in April in China which is the homeland of these adorable and unique creatures.

The photo was shared by Wolong National Nature Reserve. The uniqueness of this special animal is instantly seen because of his reddish eyes that immediately tells that he is an albino. The specialists who rewatched the video many times to try to say as many information about the animal as possible said, that he seems to be in a very good health condition. It was strong and for his age very mature which showed that they easily live in the wild by their own.

Photograph: AFP/Getty Images

Albinism is not an illness and doesn’t affect their health negatively. It may cause difficulties only for animals who live in the wild and try to hide but always end up as victims. The only thing the experts weren’t sure about was the gander of the little cute bear. We hope all the animals who are safe and live their free life in the wild. Let’s care about them and save especially the rare ones who want to survive.

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