From 0 to 14 years old within minutes. The coolest video made by her parents won the social media

by Impress story

Life is full of wonders that seem unbelievable to us. We are lucky that living in 21st century we are able to capture them and look at them back anytime we want to. It is always very pleasant to look at beautiful things and admire them, they make your day better.

We are here today to recommend you to look at 14 long years that are captured in just 4 minutes. This is exactly what parents of this girl did. The video bellow shows Lotte from 0 to 14 years. It is very cool to see how her shiny eyes didn’t change. She just became from 0 to 14-year-old girl in some minutes.

This is actually a very cool idea. Imagine having a video of you aging within seconds. It is a very great memory to look back at after years.

The video that was uploaded on YouTube has got 33 million views. We are sure that it deserves even more views and attention and watching it you will claim it! Watch the video bellow and don’t forget to share this with your friends and family too. Know wat they think about this cool idea. Enjoy watching!

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