Amazing storiesInteresting Giant Born, Grew to Be a Beauty: The Fate of the Giant Girl from Altai, Who Was Born Weighing Nearly 8 Kilograms by Impress story 30.12.2022 30.12.2022 513 views Share 0FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram 15 years ago all TV channels broke the unusual news: in one of the maternity hospitals in Altai was born a girl weighing 7 kg 750 grams. We will tell you in this article what happened to the girl as she grew older, how she looks, how much she weighs and how she lives now. Amazing baby The standard weight for a newborn girl is considered 3.3-3.4 kg. For boys, this standard is slightly more, up to 3.5 kg. Occasionally, large parents are born with children weighing up to 5 kg. Normally, the fact that the fetus is large becomes known in the middle of pregnancy, and then the woman is prepared for a possible emergency caesarean section. How big the baby will be at birth depends not only on heredity, but also the regime and quality of the future mother’s diet during pregnancy. Although Nadya’s parents had an average complexion, it was the birth scenario with a cesarean section that Altai resident Tatyana was preparing for. It was her 11th birth and each subsequent child in their family was born larger than the previous one. A midwife by training, Tatyana expected Nadya to be born weighing 5 kg or slightly more. However, the baby surprised the whole maternity hospital. When she was weighed immediately after birth, the scales showed almost 8 kilograms. Tatiana was already an experienced mother by then and took care of her newborn daughter with ease. Perhaps the only difficulty was rocking the girl in her arms, at that weight it was not easy for her mother. Although Nadya was found to have no abnormalities in development and no health problems, the girl was under strict observation. A local TV channel got wind of the bogatyr girl. After the story about her, the news spread across the country. Many people wanted to help the large family, transferred money, brought toys, diapers, baby clothes. Growing up The giant girl grew up like her siblings: by a year she could walk and learn to speak with confidence. At seven, Nadia already looked like just a big kid, but no longer a giant. She went to a regular school with her peers. Each year the girl lost weight and looked more and more like an average child. Today Nadia is 15 years old and if you don’t know that many years ago she was a news star, you just don’t recognize her as a giant girl. Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram Leave a Comment Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.