Amazing storiesKids How instead of catching mice the cat saved the owners by Impress story 09.10.2022 09.10.2022 21 views Share 0FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram The life of animals who are abandoned or homeless from birth is certainly not sugar. But sometimes luck still smiles on them and they get home and owners. About the same luck of one young kitty, who managed to prevent a tragedy in the family, which sheltered her. The cat, still almost a kitten, was sitting under the fence, she was very hungry and meows pitifully from the last strength. A girl, Lena, was passing by from school; she heard a pitying squeak, at first she didn’t know what it was, then came back and saw the little cat in the hole near the fence. Lena took it in her arms, the animal looked at the girl with huge green eyes. The cat was white with a big dark spot on the back and a smaller one near the ear. Lena brought it home; her grandmother and aunt, with whom she lived, did not object to the new pet. The cat was named Mashka, she quickly got the hang of it and went for walks in the yard. Mashka grew up beautiful, everyone loved her, and she reciprocated the same – was playful and affectionate, regularly catching mice and chasing the cats, so that they did not even set foot in Mashka’s yard. One day Mashka surprised all the family – she climbed into the box where the chickens were and lay down in the center. Chickens quickly realized that the cat was warm, like a mother hen, and stuck it on all sides, even climbing on top. But somehow it happened that showed: Mashka – a special cat. It was in the fall, mostly grandmother sent the cat for the night in the barn – to catch mice. But in the evening she could not find it – Mashka like vanished into thin air. It turned out that the cat had hidden under the bed for some reason, and Lena saw it but told her grandmother that Mashka must have gone outside. In fact, Lena just felt sorry for the cat – she wanted the cat to spend the night in a warm house, not in a cold barn. At night Lena was awakened by Mashka’s violent screams, scratching her little mistress’s hands. Lena got up, but her head hurt, and dizzy. By some means, she got to her aunt’s bed and woke her up. She, too, complained of nausea and headache. Grandma was already unconscious, so Lena and her aunt barely dragged her outside. Then it turned out that the old woman, leaving the stove on overnight, had inadvertently closed the damper on the stove more than usual. The fog went down outside, there was no wind, and the draft in the stove stopped, so carbon monoxide began to accumulate in the house. That is why all the householders felt bad. But if it were not for Mashka, these feelings could have led to dire consequences. Since then, Mashka was called a “heroic cat” at home and Grandma did not miss a chance to praise her and give her a tasty bite. Lena’s classmates even came to visit to see the cat, which had saved the whole family. Just as Lena herself once saved her from starving to death under the fence. Masha was no longer sent out of the house at night – she managed to catch mice in the barn during the day, and at night she usually settled by the warm radiator, but always first went around all the rooms to make sure that the house is all right. And only then she allowed herself a little relaxation, all night she just dozed, responsive to every sound. In this way, the cat guarded the peace of its owners. Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram