How to survive if there is no chance. How the life of a boy with 2% of the brain changed

by Impress story

The news of the unviability of the unborn child is always something terrible for parents, which few manage to survive without consequences for the psyche. But sometimes the verdict of doctors does not come true. The boundless faith in a miracle and the hope of parents for a better life for their son Noah, made it possible to change ideas about human capabilities.

In 2012, Shelly and Rob Wall gave birth to a baby boy with little or no brain, and a fluid-filled head. Studies done during pregnancy showed that the child, in addition to this, also has spina bifida. Doctors 5 times offered the expectant mother to terminate the problem pregnancy. But Shelley and Rob were no longer young, had experience in raising two healthy children, so they decided to leave everything as it is. However, they bought a small coffin, as the doctors assured that due to severe pathology, the newborn would not live long. And, if he survives, he will have a complete disability – such a person will not be able to see, hear and speak.

Noah was born with a completely paralyzed lower body. He was operated on immediately. The operation lasted 5 hours, during which time the doctors sewed up a hole in the back, with the help of shunting, they pumped out excess fluid that was squeezing the brain. The child survived, but could not swallow food on his own, was blind and deaf.

And then experts from Australia got down to business. The whole family moved to a distant continent to save their youngest son. They offered to turn to neurophysiologists who were ready to help. Their program of physiotherapy and cognitive exercises has paid off. Many hours of training by specialists and unparalleled dedication of parents, high-quality care were organized not in vain. The unexpected happened – the child’s brain began to grow and gradually improve the functioning of the nervous system. Even doctors considered it a miracle.

By the age of six, Noah had already recovered 80% of his brain. Parental care and new technologies in medicine have made it possible to activate the overall development of the baby. And now he reads freely, knows how to count and looks like a happy child. But still not able to move independently. Although the parents are convinced that they, together, will cope with this task too, it will only take a little more time. Noah already sits freely and communicates with other people, dreams of the time when he will move freely. To do this, he is ready to make a lot of efforts.

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