Kitten with health problems cured thanks to a dog who protected him like “Mommy”

by Impress story

In the animal world, like people, there is help and mutual assistance. Four-legged friends have repeatedly proved their devotion to both owners and other pets. A very interesting event about the friendship between animals is the story of Kramer the kitten and the dog named Winston.

The kitten was born in a shelter. The birth was difficult and this pet suffered a back injury. The baby was named Kramer. During childbirth, there was a pinched nerve in the back and because of that, Kramer got to his feet later than the other kittens, and moved with difficulty. The kitten got tired quickly and lay down most of the time. He could only sadly watch other animals moving and playing freely. All his attempts to jump ended in a fall due to back pain.

Fortunately soon a kind family decided to take him home. The new owners already had a dog named Winston. The dog was at first distrustful of the new family member, but after a while became strongly attached to him. They became inseparable. Animals intuitively understand when their relatives need help. So, Winston began to constantly spend time with the kitten. He even knew the problem was his back and was very attentive to not hurt him. The owners even began to call the dog “Mommy” for the constant care and patronage of the cat.

The kitten began to take the first steps after the friendship with his best friend, who was constantly nearby. Gradually, the movements became more and more confident, and by the year Kramer was able to calmly run and jump. They spend all the time together. They are inseparable even during sleep. Thanks to such love and support, the sick kitten was able to recover and live a full life. That is how love can change lives!

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