Interesting Mothers who are over 60. The most courageous women who decided to give birth in old age and did not regret it by Impress story 19.12.2022 19.12.2022 81 views Share 0FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram Motherhood is one of greatest things in the world, that is beautiful and very hard at the same time. Let’s read about some brave women, who were not afraid to experience that feeling, being not young anymore. Adriana Iliescu, who became a mother for the first time at 66 Relatives seriously considered her crazy and accused her of selfishness. Even a decade and a half after the events described, she was subjected to similar attacks. It is logical to wonder why this woman delayed childbearing? In her youth, she shone with a bright appearance and a developed mind. The girl found an excellent job at a Romanian university, and it seemed that the whole world was at her feet. She never managed to find happiness in love. She married at 20 and became pregnant instantly. Everything went like clockwork, but the birth had to be abandoned for medical reasons. The childless marriage was soon annulled. Left alone, the woman devoted herself entirely to her career. Time passed, and ruthless nature pronounced a verdict – infertility. For almost ten years, the lady tried to overcome this problem, but the doctors were powerless. And finally, at 66, she finally took advantage of an extracorporeal technique that allowed her to become pregnant immediately with triplets. Two fetuses died in the womb, but the third managed to survive Annegret Raunig – quadruplets at 65 The Church condemned the woman because she gave birth in her old age and now she simply will not have time to raise her child. However, this did not bother the happy mother. Today her daughter is already 16, she chooses her profession, learns musical literacy, masters mathematics. Her grandmother-like mother is in excellent physical shape and intends to live at least until her daughter’s wedding. The other heroine of this chapter impresses not only with the age of motherhood, but also with many children. At 65, the German woman was already the mother of 13 children. However, for her, this did not mean at all that it was time to calmly wait for her grandchildren, so she decided to give birth to three more boys and a girl. The artificial insemination procedure allowed her to get pregnant again. Newborns were born after a caesarean section. Premature exit from the womb did not affect their viability in any way. Maria Carmen del Busada – twins at 67 Maria Carmen del Busada – twins at 67 This Spaniard gave birth to twins at the end of her seventies and died when they were not even three years old. The birth of twins then made a serious sensation, although they were not full-term and weighed only a couple of kilograms. Maria was immensely happy, but less than a year after giving birth, she heard a fatal diagnosis – oncology. It must be admitted that Maria’s family dissuaded her in advance from giving birth, which was very risky at her age. However, the elderly lady insisted, put the house up for sale for fifty thousand euros and purchased donor sperm and eggs with the proceeds. On the eve of late motherhood, Brooke underwent long courses of hormone therapy. Doctors closely monitored her health, having no illusions about the successful course of the pregnancy. As a result, the woman even mistook her first signs for an oncological disease. However, the fears turned out to be unfounded. As expected, nine months later the woman had a child, and a completely healthy one. Don Brooke, who gave birth herself at age 59 It so happened that Brooke then turned out to be the oldest woman in the world who managed to give birth naturally. The press could not really find out anything about her life path. The fact is that the brave mother consistently avoids meeting with journalists. Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram Leave a Comment Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.