She is 22 but look like a 7 years old. How does a 1.1 tall girl live and what does she do

by Impress story

Most girls throughout their lives try to look younger than their years. Even when a girl is only 25-27 years old, she makes every effort to look 18 years old. Women aged regularly resort to anti-aging procedures, visit cosmetologists, try in every possible way to “rejuvenate”, and use any methods for this.

But this 22-year-old girl whose name is Shona Rae has a completely different problem. She looks like a second grader and no one around her believes that she is already 22 years old. Shona’s height reaches only 1 meter and 10 centimeters. This creates certain difficulties in her daily life.

When she wants to sign up for a gym, go to the cinema to see a movie with a limited age category, or go to a disco, she is perceived as a child. Sean faces a similar problem in the process of communicating with the opposite sex. The girl still has not been able to build relationships and build her personal life.

When Shona was very young, she faced a serious illness. The girl developed a rare form of brain cancer. To save Shona’s life, the doctors needed a course of chemotherapy. The treatment was successful. The girl was saved. But medications had a negative effect on her growth. At the age of 7, Shona stopped growing. She remained forever in the body of a little girl.

To share her problems with the general public, Shona took part in the filming of a documentary called “I am Shona Ray.” The girl publicly spoke about the difficulties she has to face in everyday life, how she copes with her problems and complexes. In the same film, Shona openly said that she was not going to dwell on her shortcoming. She is a developed and talented person, and she will definitely be able to succeed in life, despite her small stature.

Shona is supported by her mother and friends. Her mother remembers how difficult the recovery period after chemotherapy was, and is glad that now her daughter is completely healthy and triers to find her right place in life. The girl’s friends perceive her for who she is, and sincerely love her for her mind, creativity, cheerful disposition and other personal qualities, without attaching importance to her unique appearance.

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