Siamese twin sisters Sandoval were separated at 2 years of age. What do they look like 5 years later?

by Impress story

Eva and Erika Sandoval were born in California on August 10, 2014. They shared a body and a pair of legs, and in the first two years of their lives they learned to understand each other without a single word. They took their first step at the age of one and a half, and until then they just loved to “walk” in their mom and dad’s arms.

Art and Eyda, the parents of the Siamese twins, had planned from the very birth to separate the girls, but it was not so easy to decide.

Eva and Erika with their father

By the age of 2, Eva and Erica were barely behind their peers in development. Cheerful and very active, they could spend hours in the playroom climbing ladders and ropes.

But Mr. and Mrs. Sandoval realized that their little girls deserved more – independence from each other. In late 2016, they went to a local clinic.

After months of examinations and a series of preparations, doctors scheduled the separation for Dec. 6.

Siamese twins before separation

The procedure lasted 18 hours, and as many as fifty specialists surrounded the girls, not leaving them even for a moment. On the evening of the next day, the first results were announced – the twins are doing well! Now it was possible to talk about each of them separately.

Eva and Erica were sent home in March 2017. This day was a real celebration for both the family and the entire clinic staff.

Eva and Erica Sandoval after separation

After the separation, the twin sisters had to re-learn many of the everyday things they used to do together. But it was worth it!

Their independence from each other opened up a lot of new opportunities for the girls, and they quickly learned a new way of getting around – riding on special devices that looked like toy cars.

The first winter which was independent of each other

Eva and Erica now.

The twin sisters, who were separated when they were 2 years old, are now 7 years old. Five years on from the day they consider their second birthday, a lot has changed.

Thanks to a few commercials on television, the whole world has learned about the girls. Now they are real little celebrities who dream of becoming models or actresses in the future. And their lives are actively followed by hundreds of thousands of fans around the world.

Eva and Erica Sandoval

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