Siamese twins Vilia and Vitalia, who were separated 35 years ago: how they look and live now

by Impress story

The birth of Siamese twins has always been and will always be a rare and surprising phenomenon. It is a difficult task to separate children, but it is possible. This article will focus on two sisters who were able to survive thanks to doctors and faith in a miracle.

Vitalia’s and Vilia’s mother didn’t know and couldn’t even guess that she was carrying twins, much less Siamese twins. The reason for this was that the hospital where Daiva was hospitalized did not have an ultrasound procedure. Therefore, it was customary to perform a C-section during childbirth. Upon seeing the children, the girl went into a wild terror and became hysterical. Only her husband managed to calm the mother of the unusual girls.

For a long time they searched for a good doctor who could perform a complex operation and separate the babies. And now the family was lucky when they found Konovalov, who agreed to help. The children were very lucky that the brain tissue had not fused. That was the green light to perform the surgery. More than a year was spent preparing for the surgery, by which time the family had a son.

For over twenty-four hours, the doctors worked on separating the little sisters. And everything went perfectly. About eight years ago, at one of the programs, the girls had a touching meeting with Alexander Konovalov, whom they called their savior.

Now Vitalia and Vilia live happy lives. One of them became a professional in the arts, and the other graduated as a history teacher.

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