The 15-month-old girl holding the reins and riding a horse caused an uproar. Two sides of opinions

by Impress story

Who would have thought that this video of a 15 month old little girl would cause such a scandal? Some will only see a happy little girl next to a magnificent horse, but others see it as a serious danger.

In the pictures we see a little girl from Macclesfield, Australia. With her gait still a little hesitant, she takes the reins of the gentle horse, which trots calmly.

We can clearly see the warm friendship that exists between the two. “My 15-month old daughter loves my horse, and my horse will do anything she asks!” wrote her mother.

During their leisurely walk, the two family dogs also found the special duo.

“I can’t help but stare at this horse. He is so sweet and so calm and kind, this baby is absolutely adorable” one user commented. And they received many other good words like this.

But some users pointed out the dangers about a little child being next to that giant animal. “Amazingly cute, but as dangerous as a loaded gun” one person wrote.

Another explained in the comments that even the sweetest, kindest horses can be startled by an unexpected noise or blowing wind. They kept writing that it is very reckless of the parents to do this with such a young child. One wrong move from the huge horse, even if completely unintentional, can seriously injure the little toddler.

Anyway, the connection between animals and children is always beautiful, but it is recommended to always be watchful and be sure that they won’t be in danger.

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