Interesting The cat “felt” that there was something behind the wall. A mysterious story of Tucker by Impress story 16.11.2022 16.11.2022 43 views Share 0FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram Social media is a grate place for people to talk about their issues, express their thoughts and ideas. So, this man from USA shared with his subscribers a story connected with his cat named Tucker. He explained that he noticed how his pet changed dramatically and had a totally different behavior. The explanation was a bit strange. It said that the cat was strangely attracted by the ordinary wall of the old house. He was so interested in it that forgot about the basic and everyday needs of an ordinary cat. He didn’t eat, drink, and sleep well. His owner have never seen his cat behave that strangely. It was a very serious reason for him to be worried. His first thought was that there was a serious problem with his beloved cat, and soon took him to the vet. But all the results were showing that absolutely everything was fine, and Tucker didn’t have any health problems. The story of the Redditer gained popularity on social media and he received some advices from readers, that mostly suggested to check if there wasn’t any strange thing behind or. Maybe the cat heard some noises, that were the reason he spent all that hours next to the wall. Things were so serious that he opened a part of the wall and saw that his cat seemed so happy and excited. His actions ended up with discovering a door that lead to basement. He was shocked and didn’t know how his clever cat knew or maybe felt that. He still doesn’t know what is behind that door, but promised his followers to share about it too, so, stay tuned. Thank you for reading! Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram Leave a Comment Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.