The couple found a real piece of history right in their yard! Rolled up dollars had a story behind them

by Impress story

Stashing money and saving it for tough times is something that you may have seen in the movies or heard from your parents, grandparents. But most of the time they didn’t even use it in the future.

Actually there are many cases like that in real life, and not only movies. Lately in South Jersey a couple dug up money which dated back almost 100 years in their front yard. They couldn’t believe it.

A shocking finding

Rich Gilson and his wife Suzanne were just shocked to find that in their front yard. It was hard to realize that someone did that more than 100 years ago in a hope to return for it, or just lost the place were they left it.


All of this started when the Gilson’ decided to excavate their front yard. They couldn’t even imagine about such thing and that it could happen in their own yard. It is a piece of history and finding it was actually a very big thing for them.

Money was wrapped in burlap and it was there on purpose and not just accidentally. The glass jar was broken.

The amount and the date

$10’s and $20’s were rolled up and all of it amounted $1000. The date on them was 1934.

As we know 1934 is a year of the Great Depression and everything was hard for people at that period. It becomes clearer and people would value that money so much.

 Suzanne Gilson then was interested the value of  thousand dollars in 1934 and she just couldn’t believe. She learned that it was so much money for nowadays and reached almost 30.000 dollars.

The other side of the story

But actually there was a real life story behind that money, and the couple could uncover it too.

Their home was once owned by a man whose name was James Dempsey. And he was the one who had instructed his child to bury the money. He didn’t do anything illegal.

He was a real hardworking man and just wanted to save something in the hard times of The Great Depression.

But sadly they just forgot money’s location and it was the reason why they couldn’t find it. The story behind it made that piece of history more special.

Thank you for reading this and don’t forget to share this with your family and friends too!

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