The dog that acts like a cat. Owners explained the reason of their dog’s behavior

by Impress story

We always hear that the environment affects so many things ang people can change based on what kind of people they communicate with, or see every day. Well… This is not only about humans, but also animals, and this time especially dogs. This Husky thinks that she is a cat! And she is sure about it.

Her name is Tally and she is a very unique dog. The thing is that she grew up in a house full of cats. And now, she is just sure that she is one herself.

She has learned all the things cat do and her behavior is just like how cats act. Her psychology is very similar to cat’s too, and if her owners do something that she does not like, she urinates on the floor to express her displeasure that way.

She even picks the worst possible areas to relieve herself as most of the cats are used to do. All of her sitting poses are simply like cat’s too. Tally tucks her legs and arms beneath her body.

Also, it is worth mentioning that this is not her first home. The reason why she acts like a cat is more likely because of her previous owners that she lived with. It is important for the dog to have dogs around to hang out with sometimes. But since Tally spent so much time with cats, she took their features. So, her nature just changed. Or she just liked it.

She is so cute and as her owners tell, they can never be mad at her, since she looks cute every second. We hope we could put a smile on your face with this joyful story, you can share this with your friends and family member if you liked the story of Tally, and that way you can support us too. Thank you for reding!

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