The friendship of two blind cats is continuing in a safe shelter. See what workers tell about this two blind cats

by Impress story

Best Friends Felines, a cat rescue based in Brisbane, AU, was lately notified about two little cats that needed to be rescued and both of them were blind. And of course they didn’t hesitate to take care of them.

The vets said that the one of them had microphthalmia which means he had tiny malformed eyeballs. But one of them had anophthalmia which meant he had no eyeballs. Many volunteers immediately started to work with them so they felt safe in their new home.

Even their condition was so bad they didn’t lose their energy and light to live and volunteers tell that both of them were always playful and reacted the voices very quickly. Kerry who was their foster helped them to figure out their surrounding which they learned so quickly too.

The active kittens were named Pearl and Miley. Day by day they continued to amaze everyone because they seem to not have that problem at all and found their food and water easily, played together as normal cats do and it  was very good and positive energy for all workers.They are little but fearless and inquisitive. Nothing can slow them down.

Kerry spent so much time with them and also noticed how close this two kittens were together. They were the best support for each other for sure. They felt each other and that made them happier. She always saw them curled up next to each other while sleeping and even hold paws which was the most cute thing in that whole shelter.

For Kerry everything that happened there was so special and unique thing, although she worked with animals for so many years. She adored how they relied on each other and were almost always together.

Now they want to give them a bigger chance to explore more space in the place they live since they have been spending most of their time in their room only. They are so curious and already want to explore more and Kerry supports them in it.

Let’s love animals because they love us without any reason and try to take care of them because in every bad situation they need our help.

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