The goose ended up in a clinic and here is who came to visit him. The power of friendship and love

by Impress story

This is a story of an animal rescue by Cape Wildlife in Massachusetts, they have. A huge history behind them rescuing animals. Recently a goose that needed their help became their patient. The goose’s name was Arnold. As it turned out Arnold was an inhabitant of one of the ponds adjacent to the center. The doctors immediately noticed that there was something wrong with his feet and the goose’s walk was getting worse and worse. It was time for some examination.

Doctors figured out that the poor animal had serious injurye on its paw and needed an operation. But at first, they had to get prepared for the surgery which took them a very long time.

But the most interesting thing is that, while the preparation was in process his goose friend came to visit him and appeared right at the door of the hospital. Everyone was amazed and surprised in a good way, it was a very cute scene.

At that time the injured goose was already getting prepared for anesthesia and the timing was very touching too! It is also still a secret and kind of “mystery” for everyone how his friend found out where he exactly was.

Soon the operation was over and the geese were given the opportunity to communicate and see each other. Now everything is okay with Arnold’s health and he is doing good. The support of his friend and the love and care he receives from the vets, is surely the main reason he got well very quickly. Don’t forget to share this lovely story with your loved ones too!

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