Interesting The king Xerxes from “300 Spartans”. What does the actor look like without makeup? by Impress story 10.02.2023 10.02.2023 78 views Share 0FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram In 2007, the film “300 Spartans” was released, which became the leader of the box office. Many criticized the movie for the fact that it lacks historical accuracy. However, the creators of the film brushed aside, they say, the winners are not judged, and the film is a feature. King Xerxes in the film was played by Rodrigo Santoro, a Brazilian actor who started in soap operas in his homeland. You may have seen Rodrigo in the TV series Gentle Poison too. Xerxes and Santoro are very different from each other. The king in “300 Spartans” was made into a kind of demigod: powerful, strong, with a pile of muscles and an incredible amount of gold on his body. Rodrigo the man was also always a handsome and muscular guy. However, also with a lot of vegetation on the face and body. For the role, the actor had to shave his head and do hair removal which completely changed the way he looked. But let’s remember a little how Rodrigo’s career began. He did not think of becoming an actor, although he tried to find himself in something creative, for example, in design. But somehow Santoro tried himself in the Brazilian TV series and it worked out well. That is how Santoro did his first step and became an actor. By the way, Rodrigo is one of the few who made his way from Brazilian TV series to big cinema. Rodrigo played well in Charlie’s Angels – however it was a negative character. And then he finally was invited to the “300 Spartans”. Filming was very difficult for him. Every day of shooting, Santoro was made up for several hours, put on makeup, put on jewelry. But Rodrigo did it. And now he has everything in order in life. Thank you for your attention. If you liked the article, don’t forget to share it with your friends and family members too! Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram Leave a Comment Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.