The Labrador’s precious reaction when being ignored won millions of hearts. Watch this if you are having a bad day

by Impress story

Having a pet is actually a very big responsibility, and you have to know everything about them. And this is also about knowing that little cute things about their personality, that are specific. Labradors are known for being very friendly dogs, who are being a perfect family member. But of course, they need attention just like other dogs too and will do anything to get it.

If you have a pet, you probably at least once, tried to ignore your pet and see its reaction. It is painful to watch how they don’t understand what is going on, but funny when they realize it was all games. In the video bellow, you can see Labrador’s reaction when being ignored.

The cute family video that was shared on YouTube already seven years ago has got more than 40 million views, but we are sure that you’d agree that it deserves even bigger attention. The dog is just very cute and seems very confused about the situation.

Watch the video bellow, we are sure his reaction will make your day and don’t forget to share this with your animal-lover friends and family members. Enjoy watching!

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