The owner and the dog passed away the same day. The magical connection of a person and a dog

by Impress story

Everyone already knows how faithful creatures dogs are. And the beautiful thing around them is that they are not just friends who bring joy and happiness, but they are also with you in your tough times of life. This very touching story is about air Force veteran Daniel Hove and Gunner, his dog. They are a real example and definition of loyalty and faithfulness between an animal and human.

The super human

Daniel loved helping people, and that’s why after retiring from his force, he decided to do something to continue to serve his country in another possible way. He then was a Burnsville’s Assistant Fire Chief. People just admired him for his strong leadership and will of helping people.

Sad truth

But, unfortunately, in October of 2011, he was diagnosed pancreatic cancer and had to quit working. It was a very difficult and stressing time for him and his family. He was lucky to have his family too, since they did everything to make him feel good and stay happy.

He had surgery in February of 2012 and then rounds of chemotherapy, to help the situation.

Gunner-his soulmate

Daniel’s condition was very hard for everyone but no one felt what Gunner, his dog, felt. They spent so much time together and always were there for each other. He always felt bad when Daniel was sick and was truly happy in his good times.

Sick at the same time

In family’s words, their connection was so huge, that Gunner started feeling sick as well.

They expected something like that to happen, since the pet didn’t eat properly, was very sad and in a bad mood. They did everything together and being sick sadly wasn’t an exception.

At once

Gunner’s condition was so bad that Daniel’s daughter had to take him to the vet clinic and put him to sleep. And just about an hour or a little more later, his dad was gone too. They said goodbye on the same day, it was a big lose. Their connection was something magical, they were always together in life and unfortunately the death was not an exception for them…

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