The rescue of a frozen kitten. He seemed to not be alive but the man did not pass by

by Impress story

This poor kitten was found on the street in one cold autumn morning when night frosts already became really strong. The man brought the kitten home and immediately began therapy. At first sight, he really seemed to be dead, but something inside of the man that found him was saying he kitten was still alive, he just was damaged from the strong frost. Apparently, he lay on the damp ground all night. The man brought the kitten home and immediately began therapy.

All that could bring the baby back to life was intense rubbing. As it is shown in the video, the man does such a hard massage with immersions in warm water, because it was needed to be done that way. The kitten had a total spasm of the blood vessels, the entire circulatory system, since in the cold the blood becomes much thicker. The poor animal practically did not breathe. The only sign of life was a very weak heartbeat. The poor animal practically did not breathe. For several hours, a caring man carried out an intense massage alternating it with immersion in warm water. And here he could see the first result. Blood began to flow into the muscles and they began to contract. The kitten began to breathe. After some time the cat began to make weak sounds.

This was an evidence that the circulatory system of the animal is recovering from spasm, but the man didn’t stop the massage since he knew how important it still is. The man continued to rub,wraped the kitten with warm blankets, and the kitten kept reacting with a weak meow. About 4 hours passed, and as a result of the intense actions of the man, the kitten was brought back to life. Judging by the condition of the coat and skin, the animal was absolutely healthy. It seems the kitten got lost and exhausted. Tried to sleep outside where the night Frost overtook him. Anyway we all are so happy that this animal was saved by the kind hero of this story and we hope people like him are more around us then we think.

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