Interesting The woman had worn her hair in the same way since 1986. Here is how she has changed by Impress story 24.05.2024 24.05.2024 13.9k views Share 0FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram Hairstyle is a very important part of our appearance. When the woman, who had worn her hair in the same way since 1986, visited a beauty salon for the first time, the stylists completely transformed her appearance! Imagine how different she would look, and how big change it would be for her! Katy displayed the finished product, which you can view in this article! The amazing tale of today centers on Katy, an American housewife who rose to fame on the television program Rachel Ray. She begged the stylist on the show to give her a new appearance since she was sick of her hairdo from the 1980s. It all began when her kid confided that going somewhere with her mother made her feel uncomfortable. It was clear to the woman now that something needed to be changed and maybe it was the worse sign she could have received. She hadn’t visited a beauty salon since 1986, if you can believe that. For more than 36 years, she has maintained the same haircut. Her hair was awful and in far worse shape than it should have been. Her daughter thought her mother was a victim of the 1980s nostalgia syndrome. It was acknowledged by the woman that she simply didn’t want to spend money on herself. It would be an understatement to say that the stylists completely changed her appearance. She looks more put together and is ideal in this haircut. Always remember that we all need change in our life from time to time! Share 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrRedditWhatsappTelegram