They were born thanks to British doctors and a philanthropist: how Artamkin’s quintuplets live after 15 years

by Impress story

Some events are so incredible that many consider them miracles. However, behind every such miracle there are good deeds of wonderful people. The Artamkin family was hardly happy without the participation of many caring people.

Muscovites Varvara and Dmitry knew each other since childhood. Both of them are truly Orthodox people. Therefore, in addition to registering in the registry office, they got married in the church. The young couple lived in happiness, love and with the hope that God would reward them with children.

However, their firstborn was born weak and died. Barbara tried in vain to get pregnant again. The couple had to seek medical help. After examining the woman, the doctors prescribed her treatment, and it helped: Varvara became pregnant. And when the ultrasound showed that she was carrying five babies at once, the happiness of both spouses knew no bounds.

As for the doctors, they were confused: in domestic practice there was no experience in managing such a pregnancy, in such cases, doctors resorted to reduction – getting rid of extra embryos. Having heard about this procedure, Varvara categorically refused it. How could it be possible to take the life of her little ones begged from God? The husband fully supported her decision.

Russian doctors did not guarantee a successful outcome of Varvara’s pregnancy, so the Artamkins began to look for a foreign clinic that would agree to accept such a difficult patient. Such a hospital was found, it was located in England; however, her services were not cheap.The Artamkins, ordinary teachers, did not have that kind of money. And this is when a real miracle happened. A kind person was found who paid all the expenses associated with Varvara’s stay in the clinic. The donor has expressed a desire to remain anonymous.

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