This girl with the pathology was offered to have her leg amputated, which spoiled her appearance, but she refused, and now she is a successful model and is proud of herself.

by Impress story

Mahogany Geter, who lives in America, has a congenital condition, lymphedema, in which fluid accumulates in the soft tissues.

This results in swelling, which prevents her from leading a normal life. Because of the pathology, 23-year-old Mahogany’s leg stands out noticeably, and she weighs as much as 45 kilograms.

Doctors diagnosed the girl almost immediately after giving birth. Treatment for this disease is currently not developed, so doctors can only stabilize and improve the condition of such patients.

A couple of years ago, the girl considered herself ugly, and this opinion was largely influenced by those around her. However, she didn’t give up and decided to radically change her life.

“Even as a child, I didn’t think I was beautiful. I was convinced that this illness was a punishment for me, maybe I was a criminal in a past life. But in spite of that, one day I realized that I was stronger than the disease, I could accept myself for who I was. What I am. Today I am proud of myself and my body.”

The girl was able to accept and today provides psychological help to others through pages on popular social media.

She is not shy to post pictures to show herself and inspire people who have the same or other pathologies affecting their appearance.

Moreover, the girl plans to work as a model, and has already managed to make the first steps towards a successful career.

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