Why cats like rustling bags

by Impress story

Owners of cats often notice that their pets are not indifferent to bags. Actually, not only bags but also everything that can make a rustling sound is especially “loved” by cats. Apparently, this sound, and to some extent, its monotony, is the point.

Why does a cat react in this way?

Cats are in full confidence that the bag rustles for a reason…

Cats simply have by nature incredible auditory abilities. Thanks to the representatives of the cat breed can hear even imperceptible noises which can come from somewhere around the corner. The brain whiskers instantly process all the information he receives, which he associates with the prey. We should not forget that cats are, above all, predatory animals, so their instinctive abilities cannot help but work.

Cats associate the rustling of bags with prey. The pet’s logic is simple – a rustling bag means that someone is hiding in it. Cats don’t realize that such sounds come from the structure of the bag, not because someone is there. In general the reasons for such love for bags are the following: normal cat’s curiosity, desire to play, and also great (by the cat’s standards) possibility to hide. By the way, bags are often used by owners to bring home groceries from the store. Such a bag soaked in lots of different smells is just a treasure trove for the cat. The cat eagerly explores not only what the owner got in the store, but also the street smells left on the bag.

How the “hunt” for a bag ends

A bag that rustles even more when attacked by a cat only makes the cat even more curious and wants to look into

But there is one funny thing about the process of the cat hunting the bag – when the animal does attack the potential prey, there will be even more rustling sounds. Such “behavior” of the bag only further annoys the cat, and he begins to attack it with even more energy.

Often the hunt ends with the cat crawling into the bag without finding anything. As a rule, it likes to be inside the bag, so it can sit there for quite a long time. At first, the cat thinks that it is better to catch its prey here – after all, if someone rustles here it will come back and the cat will catch it. Though after a while the cat can forget about this idea and simply fall asleep, thinking the bag is safe enough for it.

Is it useful?

Can playing with a bag be dangerous for the cat?

If playing with a bag gives your cat so much positive energy, you should definitely let him play with it. After all, the good mood of the pet is not the last thing either! But it is better that the cat plays “rustling games” under the supervision of the owner, because polyethylene is known to be dangerous – the animal must not get entangled in it or gnaw the bag and swallow its parts. At least in this case the cat will be frightened, not to mention the medical help if it needs to get the pieces of the bag out.

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